Prenatal & Home Visiting

Sheeko Sheeko Home Visiting Program

Research has shown that reading to children early in their life, significantly increases their cognitive development. 

EACS is pioneering its innovative Sheeko Sheeko, Home Visiting Program (2019). Sheeko, Sheeko works to increase parent-child cognitive interactions through the Somali art of Story-telling. Sheeko Sheeko Home Visiting Program hopes to create an in-home culture where reading and intellectual curiosity is fostered.

Early Literacy

The science is clear: The pre-Kindergarten exposure of children to language and reading gives them a competitive advantage for life.

Engaged Parents

The importance of actively engaged parents cannot be overstated. Sheeko Sheeko is designed to develop greater bonds between parent and child – with literacy and hands-on learning.

Faiza Mohamed,

Early Childhood Program Manager

(206) 721-1119, Ext. 102