reentry and restorative justice programs


Lead: A. Muse, MSW
Equity & Justice Director

In late 2019, our’ Youth Justice Department emerged out of intense and passionate community conversations about racial justice, police brutality, and equal protection considerations under U.S. Law.  Our justice work is unapologetically framed in the idea that we will not leave any of our young people behind. No matter what life circumstances present, we affirm the human capacity for evolution, self-determination, and personal improvement.  Our Youth Justice Department is a participating member in Restorative Community Pathways model. Our Youth Justice Team works with: victims and perpetrators of harm,, the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and families involved to imagine holistic, evidence-based, and productive alternatives to incarceration, with incredible, far-reaching supporter from diverse stakeholders across community.  

EACS supports dozens of reentry youth and young adults on their healing journey back into community, as self-affirmed, productive, and engaged members.  This work is not easy. However, to the extent that the East African community stands in unity for and with all of our sisters and brothers, we must continue our fight for reconciliation, healing and social justice.  

Core Demographic

  • At-Risk: Youth 14-18 at-risk for the school-to-prison-pipeline.

  • Reentry: Youth and young adults 14-25 returning to community from juvenile incarceration or incarceration.

  • Number Served: 20-40 youth and young adults matriculate through YJ programs at any given moment.

YJ Programs and Services

  • RCP Intervention and Family Engagement and Support in navigating juvenile and young adult detention and incarceration procedures
  • Promise Fellowship (Cohorts) for youth and young adults matriculating through their restorative and healing journeys.
  • Advocacy with the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
  • Family Housing and Food Stability supports for Reentry clients
  • Employment Assistance and Job-retooling services..
  • Ubuntu Healing Circles: Community-centered, private gatherings for RCP clients and families designed to foster healing and reconciliation from within the Black communities we live in.  

Fundamental Rationale & Love and Action Ideology

East African Community Services (EACS) acknowledges the intergenerational, multifaceted violence  white supremacist systems have inflicted on Black and BIPOC communities over many decades. Historic criminal justice paradigms have never improved the life-conditions of Black communities and thus, are “perfectly broken.”

We firmly hold that Black communities are in a unique position to imagine holistic and rehabilitating solutions for community occuring within our communities.  We are fully invested the success of our families. Rather that perpetuate punitive models for “rehabilitation” that do nothing but increase social, economic, mental, spiritual, and cultural damage, EACS holds that restorative justice approaches imagined and advocated for from community are the only tools that effectively counter intergenerational carceral systems of violence born in racism and class warfare.  

Contrary to historical approaches for rehabilitation born in a false dichotomy of “bad vs. good,” EACS embraces a revolutionary love-and-action based ideology that holds “we are family, always.” 

We fight for restorative justice models that keep the humanity of alleged offenders intact while empowering them to take full and complete responsibility — both for the harm they’ve caused and also their personal potential of restoration and familial and societal healing.

Success Stories

    • Workforce Development: Youth Justice has created an employment development program designed specifically to empower dozens of Reentry youth and young adults on their respective healing journeys.

    • Formal Education Breakthroughs: Three graduates of our RCP / Promise Fellowship Reentry Cohort have matriculated through our program and entered in Tier-1 Universities.
    • Civic and Social Participation: Several members of our RCP/Promise Fellowship cohort have harnessed the power to advocate for better conditions in the public housing spaces our families live in.